I can't help but wonder, "What do they think a code is?"
Alas, we bid farewell to "10-4" (affirmative), "10-30" (danger), "10-26" (estimated arrival time), and "10-20" (location, as in "What's your 20?")
But I would rather light a bonfire than curse the fog.
Today, on the unique and estimable date of 10-10-10, in honor of my dad, a classical scholar and lifetime Libra (staunch advocates of the number 10), on whose birthday this once-in-a-lifetime date falls, I hereby announce, in defiance of the administration, the creation of the "10-10-10 Code."
Here's what I have come up with so far:
10-10-10-1: "Huckleberries are ripe"
10-10-10-2: "Dogs on a hill"
10-10-10-3: "Flippers on Market Street"
10-10-10-4: "Spaghetti day"
10-10-10-Niner: "Free tater tots at Trader Joe's"
10-10-10-465: "Box of corn on the street"
10-10-10-6: "Owl cups"
10-10-10-50: "Sleepy doggy"
10-10-10-32: "Weekend in Napa"
(Use: "Honey, we're gonna need a 10-10-10-32 pretty soon or I'm gonna pop.")
And of course my favorite, and the most useful on this particular day...
10-10-10-72: "Happy Birthday!"
Please join me in celebrating the birthday of a great man, Bernard Francis Barcio, and also in expanding the very useful and intriguing 10-10-10 code!
With your assistance we will extrapolate the full potential of 10-10-10 in order to amuse ourselves, and yes, also to undermine the civil authority by communicating brief, coded outbursts of emotion and information over electronic devices.
10-10-10-72, Dad! See you soon!!!