Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Da Bomb

High above the city of Pacifica, California, the self-professed foggiest city in the world, sits Milagra Ridge, home of decommissioned NIKE missile launch site SF-51L. Here, 400 yards from a young housing development, two cemented-over launch pads for nuclear tipped ground-to-ground missiles are gradually being reclaimed by grass, underbrush...and now, moss.

Click the video below to see a slideshow of mossymossy's day trip to Milagra Ridge, with some special thanks to the Gap Band!

Visit a mossy softness for more!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love Guns

Thank you to our friends back east for sending pictures of the blizzard of 2011! Our condolences go out to the Daniel family in Chicago...

And to my dad and Audrey's family back in Indiana...

And to anyone who had to commute yesterday on Lake Shore Drive:

Yes, the weather has been extraordinary here as well. Why, it dipped all the way down into the 60s yesterday! We almost had to bundle up for our picnic at Battery Townsley!

While planning our picnic, we researched possible uses for old nuclear missile silos. At Fort Cronkhite, the Marine Mammal Center is using decommissioned NIKE missile silo SF-87L for the storage of veterinary supplies.

Up the hill from Fort Cronkhite, embedded in the coastal cliffs, lies a massive firing platform constructed during the build-up to WWII for the placement of large guns to defend the Golden Gate from a Pacific attack. This is Battery Townsley.

On July 1, 1940, the first 16-inch round ever fired from the Pacific Coast of the continental United States was fired from Battery Townsley. The battery sits idle now, quietly acquiescing to the salt, wind and fog.

Mossy Mossy thanks you for your service, Battery Townsley. And we heart you!

To see more from Mossy Mossy's visit to Battery Townsley, visit A Mossy Softness!