To all Ramblas Managers, Investors, Associates and Staff:
Re: Phillip Barcio
In life there are times when it falls on a person to convey news that may not be well received by the ones he or she loves. This is one of those times. So I feel it best to be direct.
I have accepted a new appointment as the General Manager of Clock Bar, Michael Mina’s lounge in the lobby of the Westin St. Francis, on Union Square. My employment with Clock Bar begins on Monday, March 1, 2010.
My time at Ramblas Tapas has been the most enriching, rewarding and entertaining experience of my professional career. It is ending sooner than I imagined it would, or would have liked.
I hope each of you with whom I have shared this wildly successful growth experience will understand that this is the necessary next step in my professional life. The opportunity at Clock Bar with which I have been presented is one which has the potential to position me to achieve the long range life goal I share with the love of my life, Audrey, to operate our own restaurant. Such a goal requires that I attain relevant, daily experience above my current position as AGM.
It is my conviction that there is no greater reward in life than knowing you have contributed positively to the emotional, spiritual and professional progress of those you hold dear. If all of you feel the same as I do about the bonds we have created with each other at Ramblas then you share my heartfelt appreciation for the unique moments we have created together, and the quantifiable success we have accomplished.
Thank you for enriching my life and helping me get better every day.
Throughout the month of February, it is my highest priority to set the stage for Ice’s success as the new Chef at Ramblas.
Remember that what we think about, we bring about. It is my hope and my expectation that each of you will focus on the positive and open your hearts to whatever new paradigm emerges as we transition together to this new place.
Avoid cynicism, remember the lessons about service and integrity that we have learned together and carry on the work we started, whether at Ramblas or in your other endeavors.
I will miss all of you, and this wonderful place, more than I can express in this font. Perhaps I should have used Times New Roman. As my dad says, “Love the ones who love you, and to the rest, succhiarlo!”
I love all of you and I hope you have gotten the chance to learn how to love me.
Phillip Barcio, Assistant Manager, Ramblas Tapas
Congrats! Good luck with your new position.
Buona Fortuna!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!!!! Congrats! Take me with you...