Monday, November 10, 2008

I am Lucky.

My relationships embrace me before the world has a chance.

I awake to Pico showering me in precious expectation. She allows me to participate again in saving her, with insulin, with kitty treats and gentle adoration. She saves me in return by giving me a purpose.

I take Eli on a walk. He takes me down streets I never would have noticed. Fertilizing the cactuses in front of the windmill house, he gives me a reason to stand on the sidewalk staring at the architecture. By each other's sides we are brothers. Together we attract the smiles of strangers.

We return home to 66 Balmy and Audrey joins us in consciousness. Monday officially begins. Time to get moving toward dominion over our dreams.

San Francisco is shouting, "I give you mountains! I give you the sea! I give you organic, free trade coffee and free wireless internet!"

All it expects in return is our best.

1 comment:

  1. I know you have a lot to offer this great city and it is waiting to meet you with arms open. This past week has been wonderful! Much love.


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