Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Donut Picnics with my Wife

The first time in our love affair Audrey and I were on the same work schedule, I was waiting tables at Mezza Luna in Broad Ripple spending many a gun-shy hour staring longingly across the bushes at Audrey bartending next door at La Jolla.

I thought she was too young for me. Too adventurous for me. Way too pretty for me.

I still think I'm right about the third part.

The second time it happened was in Chicago. I was bartending at the Roxy Cafe in Evanston when Audrey quit her job as a flight attendant and started working as a server at Club Lucky in Bucktown.

Precious daylight hours together were suddenly bestowed upon us in the Windy City to invent a terrific romantic pastime: Donut picnics.

Donut picnics by the lake shore. Donut picnics in the park. Donut picnics at the museum. Donut picnics on the L.

Now that Audrey is back in the restaurant biz once again, we happily share the same schedule a third time, a first since we moved to California.

Donut picnic revival.

We finally have time together to get around to trying those seven thousand breakfast places we've been wanting to try. And to look for that herd of wild billy goats that supposedly lives near Glen Park. And to make that video we've been wanting to make for our friends so they would know what to do if they come and visit us for a week but we end up having to work one of the days...


  1. Mmm... Mama's. When we visited SF two summers ago (for all of 40 hours or something), we ate there twice. And then a dog gave Rig his tiny tennis ball in the park across the street.

    So nice.

    Sounds like you're at the guitar again. It was great with this movie.


  2. I LOVE THIS POST! Love the filming... love the soundtrack... (I think you should enter it in some sort of contest even.) DO MORE!!! :)


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